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Amarillo Artworks

The Cactus Collection

Currently I'm participating in an Artist Residency in Amarillo TX, which is a professional development opportunity for artists. Part of the experience is to learn about the area and the things that make it unique. I've learned that cactus have tiny little prickles not just the big ones that are easy to see, that plains buffalo have made a comeback thanks to the Goodnight Ranch, and that most of the plants here are desert plants so very hardy and tough. Surprisingly there has been rain here and so I'm looking forward to seeing what springs forth as they are watered. While here I'm in Studio K at the Amarillo Arts Institute, an amazing facility in a repurposed shopping mall, Arts in the Sunset. There are 16 artist studios and 23 artists creating work, and then there is the school part of the facility that has weaving, painting, glass and clay studios where people come to learn new skills or develop the skills they have. I am so happy to share with you some of the Cyanotype artworks I have created here.

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